WSF Industries Inc. – Autoclaves, Pressure Vessels, Process Systems

  Tonawanda, NY USA

Toll Free: 800-874-8265
Direct: 716-692-4930

  Toll Free: 800-874-8265
        Direct: 716-692-4930

About Us

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WSF Industries, Inc. - established in 1941

WSF Industries designs, engineers, and manufactures a variety of complete Autoclave systems, Pressure and Vacuum Vessels, Sterilizers, Vulcanizers, Reactors, Impregnators, and related Material Handling equipment.

In 1950, WSF designed and manufactured its first RAPIDOOR® quick-actuating closure, and thousands are now in use worldwide.

Today, WSF continues to be a leader in the refinement and application of the quick-actuating closure in both established and newly developing industries.

Corporate Capabilities


WSF offers single-source responsibility throughout the proposal, design, manufacturing, and field support stages of each project. We can also accommodate your drawings and specifications in our design process.

Complete Vessel Design to ASME Code Standards at our site

CAD Drafting: AutoCAD, Inventor

Complete Control System design by our Engineering department – Process control and Hydraulic design, Electrical system, layout and design of all Panels, Material Handling design & integration

PLC, HMI Programming: WSF Engineers are not limited to one manufacturer or software solution

Complete Documentation Packages – Drawings, Operating Manuals, Instructions


WSF uses industry standard cutting, welding, forming and machining equipment, as well as other manufacturing systems to achieve optimum production efficiency. Our qualified personnel have the necessary skills to manufacture and test each system to your advantage.

Complete Vessel Design to ASME Code Standards at our site

CAD Drafting: AutoCAD, Inventor

Complete Control System design by our Engineering department – Process control and Hydraulic design, Electrical system, layout and design of all Panels, Material Handling design & integration

PLC, HMI Programming: WSF Engineers are not limited to one manufacturer or software solution

Complete Documentation Packages – Drawings, Operating Manuals, Instructions

Welders & Procedures certified to: ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section IX Certified Welding Procedures, including:

Gas-Tungsten Arc

Flux-Cored Arc

Submerged Arc

Gas-Metal Arc

Shielded-Metal Arc

Quality Assurance Program

Our certified Q/A specialists work with engineering and manufacturing personnel to ensure that certifications, traceability, procedures, inspections and testing are properly performed and maintained.

ASME Code Section VIII, Div. 1

NBIC – National Board Inspection Code

ASME/NQA-1 requirements

Stamps Held: U & R

Administer Welding Certifications

Non-Destructive Examination ASNT-TC-1A guidelines

Customer Support & Satisfaction

From 1941 to the present and into the future, WSF continues our commitment to our customers. Our experienced sales, engineering, manufacturing, technical support, and field service staff are working together to make your Autoclave system a success.

WSF customer service representatives pay prompt attention to customer needs, shipping schedules and follow-up. For customer service, spare parts, or technical service call: 1-800-874-8265.

Large Autoclave Capability

WSF ships large Autoclaves and complete packaged systems designed, manufactured and tested at our plant in Tonawanda, NY, USA.

WSF Production Floor

Our plant, in Tonawanda, NY, USA has ample floor space to handle multiple units at various stages of development.



ASME Certified Welders

Our welders are certified to ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section IX for various weld procedures.

CNC Burning Machine

Autoclave and structural parts are precision cut using our inplant CNC Burning machine, capable of both plasma & gas burning, and running code directly generated from our Engineering department CAD drawings.

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Large Diameter Boring Mill

Our in‐plant CNC Boring Mill is capable of handling large diameters, and precision machining all the required parts for our RAPIDOOR® Quick‐Acting Closures.

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Full Load Testing at our Plant

WSF packaged systems are designed, manufactured, and tested at our facility. Our RapidLoader™ systems are tested at full load design conditions.